Welcome to our first patient in our new ”Cure Sickle Cell Initiative” program apartment

With the help of the Friends of Patients of the NIH, Jennifer Nsenkyire and her mother, Rose, currently live in a fully furnished apartment in Bethesda, MD, while NIH treats and observes her following a second transplant. Jennifer, originally from Ghana, has suffered from sickle cell anemia from birth. She moved to the United States […]

Support Sickle Cell Patients through Friends of Patients at the NIH Fund

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with NHLBI to support the “Cure Sickle Cell Initiative”. On August 1, 2021, Friends of Patients at the NIH will welcome our first patient to The Elm in Bethesda, MD. We will be providing a home away from home for patients to recover post transplant and advance the […]

Marla’s Journey to Recovery

It has been a long five-year battle for 38-year-old Marla. Marla has traveled nearly 3,000 miles from Ecuador to the NIH in order to receive treatment for diffuse large B cell lymphoma, a type of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Marla was attending medical school in 2015 to become an OB-GYN when she noticed that she was experiencing […]

The Work You Support

Jeremy*, a young man from Louisiana, came to the NIH with a rare immunodeficiency disorder early this year after spending time in a local hospital. Since Jeremy’s mother has been at the NIH with him as his caregiver, she has been unable to work. After exhausting all of her paid leave days and borrowing money […]

Rhonda’s “Beyond Awesome” Experience With Friends at NIH

In August 2019, 56-year-old Rhonda was experiencing intense back and side pains. Thinking these were complications from an earlier case of pneumonia, Rhonda went to her doctor. Unfortunately, Rhonda had Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system which makes it difficult for the body to fight off infections.

Beth: A Grateful Patient

After receiving treatment at the NIH twice in her lifetime, Beth Cooper says that the National Institutes of Health campus feels like home to her. Beth currently serves as the Vice President of Friends of Patients at the NIH’s board, but her ties to the NIH stem back to when she was an NIH pediatric […]

Danielle’s Emotional Support Through Ana’s Impact

Danielle is only 22 years old, but she has spent over half of her life battling multiple health conditions. Danielle first came to the NIH with severe aplastic anemia in 2007. Although she won her battle with aplastic anemia, Danielle’s kidneys completely failed in 2017. She has been on dialysis ever since, meaning she has […]

A Family Man’s Road to Recovery

Christian’s world turned upside down when he was diagnosed with mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), a widely dispersed infection throughout his body. According to Christian’s doctor, Dr. Steve Holland, due to Christian’s symptoms, it was apparent he has an immune dysfunction. Since Christian’s arrival at the Clinical Center in January, Dr. Holland has been trying to […]

A Grateful Patient Now Helping Others

If you ask Carolyn C. her age, she’ll be ecstatic to tell you that she is turning 63 very soon. Why is she so excited? “Nobody would’ve even imagined I’d make it to 63,”Carolyn said.


We asked. You answered. Over the past two weeks you, our supporters, have helped us provide for patients in need at the NIH by donating to our work. Your generosity has allowed us to give assistance to a mother of three suffering from respiratory disease, a father who is the sole provider for his family […]

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The Friends of Patients at the NIH