The Work You Support

Jeremy*, a young man from Louisiana, came to the NIH with a rare immunodeficiency disorder early this year after spending time in a local hospital. Since Jeremy’s mother has been at the NIH with him as his caregiver, she has been unable to work. After exhausting all of her paid leave days and borrowing money […]

Rhonda’s “Beyond Awesome” Experience With Friends at NIH

In August 2019, 56-year-old Rhonda was experiencing intense back and side pains. Thinking these were complications from an earlier case of pneumonia, Rhonda went to her doctor. Unfortunately, Rhonda had Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system which makes it difficult for the body to fight off infections.

Danielle’s Emotional Support Through Ana’s Impact

Danielle is only 22 years old, but she has spent over half of her life battling multiple health conditions. Danielle first came to the NIH with severe aplastic anemia in 2007. Although she won her battle with aplastic anemia, Danielle’s kidneys completely failed in 2017. She has been on dialysis ever since, meaning she has […]

A Sponsor Thank You and a Way to Help Us

All of us at Friends at NIH would like to thank the NIH Federal Credit Union for their support during these difficult times.

Motorcycle Ride for Charity! Friday, June 26, 2020

Federal News Network’s Federal Drive anchor Tom Temin is hosting a Motorcycle Ride for Charity to benefit the Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund and Friends of Patients at the NIH.


We asked. You answered. Over the past two weeks you, our supporters, have helped us provide for patients in need at the NIH by donating to our work. Your generosity has allowed us to give assistance to a mother of three suffering from respiratory disease, a father who is the sole provider for his family […]

2020 Charity Golf Tournament Rescheduled

In an abundance of caution and in the best interest of our guests, sponsors, and staff we have decided to postpone our charity golf tournament, scheduled for April 20th, to later in the year. Please know this decision was not made lightly, we have been in consultation with the expert health professionals that work here at the NIH and have come to the conclusion that moving our tournament date is the best way to ensure the health and well-being of everyone involved during this crucial time.

Resolution of Respect for Grant Matthew Perry

The Friends of Patients at the NIH lost a valued board member on December 14, 2019 with the death of Grant Matthew Perry, aged 66.

Andrew Derr Joins Friends of Patients at the NIH’s Board of Directors

BETHESDA, Md. (Jan. 1, 2020)
Today, Friends of Patients at the NIH announces that Andrew Derr has been elected to its board of directors.

Jay Shah Joins Friends of Patients at the NIH’s Board of Directors

BETHESDA, Md. (Jan. 1, 2020)
Today, Friends of Patients at the NIH announces that Jay Shah has been elected to its board of directors.

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The Friends of Patients at the NIH